His Eye Is On The Sparrow

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Whenever I think about the good, the bad, and the ugly situations I find myself in, I realize that His eye is on The Sparrow, and I know He watches me.

Are you afraid, worried, or troubled? You may be going through some tough times, dealing with trials and temptations. And are wondering if God really cares.

In this article, His Eye Is On The Sparrow, we will consider life and how God constantly watches over us.

Meanwhile, have you had a chance to read our article titled, My Sheep Hear My Voice, And I Know Them? You should check it out.

Like A Sparrow

The Sparrow refers to bird(s) from the families of Passeridae and Passerellidae. The term is common to the passer domesticus, meaning the House Sparrow.

David, while making comparisons in a supposed reflection, said in Psalms 102:7 WEB, “I watch, and have become like a sparrow that is alone on the housetop.”

The statement above creates a relatable picture of a sparrow, figuratively communicating the speaker’s situation.

Like a Sparrow in this case, is David, or anyone who finds himself in a lonely situation, or someone who is left all to himself and worried. And time and again, people find themselves in a state of loneliness and wants, with no one to meet them. But how do we deal with it?

There is love attached to the Sparrow, and many see the Sparrow as a symbol of love. The lonely situation calls for sober reflection, and the likeness could consider Self-love, knowing that His eye is on the Sparrow.

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

In 1905, Civilla D. Martin and Charles H. Gabriel wrote a gospel hymn, His Eye Is On The Sparrow.

The first line of the first verse reads, “Why should I feel discouraged,” and that of the second says, “Let not your heart be troubled.”

A unique part of the song is the profession, “When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is he; His eye is on the sparrow, And I know he watches me.”

Jesus Christ said in Matthew 6:26 NASB, “Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?”

In Chapter 10:28–29, He said, “Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”

Knowing that our Father provides and cares about the sparrows more than the buyers is a unique presentation for our encouragement.

Like a Sparrow, God knows our needs and makes necessary provisions for us. As His eye is on the sparrow, we know He watches over us. 

Having been told that He knows everything about us, including the number of hairs on our heads, should we worry? 

More Valuable Than Many Sparrows

Well, Jesus did not end there. He went on and said, “So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:31 NASB).

Here, we see that we are not only like a Sparrow but are more valuable than many sparrows to God the Father.

As much as I know, no worries can add a day to a life; it can only do the reverse. The fact that we sleep and wake up to another day shows His faithfulness towards us.

But what is the point here? Man makes life difficult for another, especially in matters of faith. We have to trust God always and wherever, knowing that He loves us and cares about us more than anyone does.

His cross symbolizes His love towards all men, and as The Believers Today, ours is a response to His love for us. We follow up by showing others.

When we find ourselves in that tight and inconveniencing situation, while we worry, we should remember that His eye is on the sparrow. By that, we know that He watches us.

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